I have an amazing gift I’ve been hiding from the world and it’s beginning to eat me alive from the inside.


It’s a lot like when I stuffed my book deep down inside for years, afraid to show anyone that part of me - the part that channels God.


Now, that same feeling has been rearing its ugly head.

I can see all the problems in your business, all the limiting beliefs and the missed opportunities. All the ways you’re dulling down to fit in. I see it. And it kills me to keep silent, but I’ve been doing it because I don’t want to be labeled as judgemental.


It’s not actually judgement. It’s a soul level gift that if I shared it, would transform from the level of judgement to deeply helping you move forward and accelerate your business…


If you were ready to hear the truth. If you were ready to break out of the mold you’ve unknowingly created for yourself. If you were ready to truly rise up, rise up, rise up and become the light leader you were born to be.


Are you ready?


Let me know - I’m ONLY looking for soul led entrepreneurs who feel an instant YES!

Here's how it works:

You fill out a brief form about your business (or business idea). We have a 60 minute call to help me get the full picture of your business.

I channel the highest guidance for you and your business and create a video and pdf with your full audit report and email them to you.

You receive 5 business days of voxer / email access to me to ask follow up business questions.

What you get:

  • 60 min call
  • Audit video & pdf report
  • 5 business days of voxer / email support

Prices for Channeled Business Audit -

Business is brand new / just an idea - $1111

Click Here to Get Your Channeled Business Audit


Business is established - $1555

Click Here to Get Your Channeled Business Audit


These services are not intended to replace the care or guidance of a physician. Always consult your physician before changing anything. All information provided by Erin Werley, Madleo Publishing, LLC within these services, courses, classes, audios, emails, calls and any other communications (the “Services”) shall be considered by all parties to be explicitly for entertainment purposes only.