Navigate Your Awakening Journey


Humanity's awakening is deepening, and you, as a member of humanity, are going deeper.


Energy is flooding into the Earth more and more every day and this affects all of us. These pulses of energy may look like up and down days. When this happens, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It means it's time to give your body rest to integrate the energetic upgrades.


You are being energetically upgraded in a big way.


Deep breath. You've got this.


You are not alone and you are not going crazy. However, you may have more awareness over the changes in your life experience than those around you, which could potentially cause you to doubt.


This is all part of the process of humanity rising. Of YOU rising.


Whatever you're going through right now may make it feel like the universe doesn't make sense and you can't see your way through. This feeling will clear in the future and you will see how everything during this time period has fit together perfectly to bring you to a better place, emotionally, financially and in terms of health and relationships.


Keep your faith in the internal workings of the universe, knowing that everything is happening for our highest good. We don't have to know how things will work out, all we have to do is remember that they will. 


And it is a remembrance, because it already is. Past and future are not real, and all exist together. All is well, and all will be well. We are here on earth but for a brief stay. And when we leave, we will be limitless beings of light and love once again. We will return to our truth. 


Fear is an illusion.


Humanity is an illusion.


You are I Am / God / Source.


You are one with all that is.


Find people who know this or who feel this. Who you resonate with. Form communities. Join communities. Become a beacon of light in a community of darkness. Don't go this alone. Find your people.


Things are getting better and harder all at once. It's a divine paradox that will continue for those with the eyes to see it. 


Your experience is always up to you. You've been training for lifetimes for this time. You've got this!


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And remember, YOU are more powerful than you've ever imagined 💜





Erin Werley is a bestselling author who transmits & teaches Quantum Lightwork - a simple system to raise your frequency, master your intuition and become a high-level energy healer...
Whether you've been a Reiki master for 30 years or you're brand new to working with energy, Quantum Lightwork is exactly what you've been dreaming of finding.
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