The 3 Best Spirituality Books You’ve Never Read

Looking for new spirituality books to read? Awesome – you’re in the right place.

I’ve put together a list of my top three favorite spirituality books to help you tap into your infinite power.

The cool thing is, there are probably a few spirituality books on this list you haven’t heard of yet!

1. One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create by Erin Werley

Ok – full disclosure – this is my book. It’s on the list, though, because over and over people leave me reviews saying that they’ve been reading spirituality books for 30 or 40 years, and One Truth, One Law is the one book that made them understand everything in a way no other book had.

Originally transcribed in 2011, the book is a recording of the first few weeks of me channeling my higher self – God – I Am - Source. It’s raw, real and within the pages, you learn exactly how to do the same thing – channel God, step into your power, create the life of your dreams and live from your truth.

Plus, there’s some amazing, simple answers to big metaphysical questions.

After reading this book, you’ll never feel lost again. You’ll know exactly who you are and what you’re here to do.

Overall, if you want all the answers to the universe – this is literally the last spirituality book you’ll ever feel the need to read.

Click here to buy One Truth, One Law

Click here to read how One Truth, One Law began with the question “Am I God?”

Click here to read How I Manifested A Bestselling Spirituality Book

2. The Game Of Life And How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn

I was originally drawn to this book on Amazon about a year ago, because I was going to write and publish a book by this title - or so I thought at the time. Now I know this spirituality book title – The Game Of Life And How To Play It – kept popping up in my mind so I would find it and read it.

This book is pure magic. Written in the 1920s, truth still oozes from every pore.

If you’re interested in being guided by your intuition and manifesting your dreams, this book is your new bible. It’s written in an easy to follow, conversational tone and has plenty of stories about manifesting.

Scovel Shinn really illustrates just how simple it is to manifest with your thoughts – whether it’s manifesting what you want or what you definitely don’t want!

Some of the language is a bit out of date, but this didn’t really bother me at all, because the content is timeless.

This is a must read, and it’s honestly such a fun read that it’s a great book to pick up when you’re feeling down, need a bit of inspiration or want to embody more gratitude.

The Game Of Life And How To Play it has a great energy signature – it’s impossible not to be affected by its magic.

3. Love and Law: The Unpublished Teachings by Ernest Holmes

Like Scovel Shinn, Ernest Holmes was a metaphysical teacher decades ago, but his words are timeless. He writes about the quantum field before anyone knew the quantum field was a thing.

He understands just how simple it all is – manifesting and healing – which he calls treating, are all happening within our minds. There is no distance, unless you believe there is. It’s just as easy to treat someone or something who is 10,000 miles away as someone who is right next to you and you can touch with your hand.

Holmes wrote many spirituality books during his lifetime, which are excellent, but Love and Law was published after his death. It’s based on his early work teaching students how to go into the quantum field and manifest changes.

And it works! However, it wasn’t until I started channeling God/source/oneness myself and was able to ask a lot of follow up questions that I understood everything in this book. While One Truth, One Law and The Game Of Life And How To Play It are simple, straightforward spirituality books with beautiful energy attached, this is a bit of a tougher read, but definitely worth it.

Thanks so much for stopping by to read about my three favorite hidden gems of spirituality books. I hope you found your next read.

I know how frustrating it can be to search for the real truth, hidden underneath all the flash, and that’s why I created this list for you. These are the three spirituality books that have impacted me the most, and have turned me from a scared girl who had been picked on her whole life to a powerful manifestor who knows exactly who she is. I know who you really are and I know what’s possible for you!

Comment below and let me know which spirituality book you’re going to try next!

 Erin Werley is a bestselling author at the forefront of spiritual awakening and ascension. Her books, One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create and Lightworkers 101 simplify the concepts of oneness, manifestation, and energy. She has been channeling God since 2011. She uses quantum energy healing lightwork to transform your energetic footprint and move you on to the ascension timeline. Her mission is to welcome you to the ascension. Excited to learn how? Click here.