YOU are more powerful than you've ever imagined 


I activate your God-self & Soul Blueprint 💜


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A simple system to raise your frequency, master your intuition and become a high-level healer...


This is the Lightworker's Journey...


And YOU are more powerful than you've ever imagined 💜
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You may have been born into a world that called you small and insignificant, but you've known for a long time that that's not true...

You've FELT the power of the universe beating in your veins and your soul whispering to you late at night.

Reminding you that there's so much more to be, do and have...

That you were born a creator...

That you're not here to settle for what has been, but to create your own slice of heaven on Earth.

I activate your God-Self and Soul Blueprint...

Because you are here to LIVE and BREATHE - I Am, I Create.

Join me for upgrades in your Intuition, Soul Mission, Writing, Energy & Abundance



Hi! I’m Erin.

For the first 28 years of my life, I was the scared girl who was bullied and always felt alone, no matter how many people were around me. I felt like everyone else had it figured out, and the best I could do was pretend to be like them.

I didn't trust myself, but I felt something. I KNEW there had to be more to life. I went on a journey to find the TRUTH, and I FOUND IT.

If your b.s. meter has been going off at most of the spiritual teachers out there, it's for a reason. Most of them are teaching spiritual practices WITHIN the matrix. Since 2011, God within has been telling me to throw the popular spiritual books out the window, and to instead look inside for the answers.

You're not meant to have a spiritual practice separate from your human life. You're here to create a life so good that the whole thing IS your spiritual practice. You're here to embody your God-self.

With Quantum Lightwork, I light the way home.



Hi! I’m Erin.

For the first 28 years of my life, I was the scared girl who was bullied and always felt alone, no matter how many people were around me. I felt like everyone else had it figured out, and the best I could do was pretend to be like them.

I didn't trust myself, but I felt something. I KNEW there had to be more to life. I went on a journey to find the TRUTH, and I FOUND IT.


If your b.s. meter has been going off at most of the spiritual teachers out there, it's for a reason. Most of them are teaching spiritual practices WITHIN the matrix. Since 2011, God within has been telling me to throw the popular spiritual books out the window, and to instead look inside for the answers.

You're not meant to have a spiritual practice separate from your human life. You're here to create a life so good that the whole thing IS your spiritual practice. You're here to embody your God-self.

With quantum lightwork, I light the way home.


3 Day Masterclass

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Erin Werley is the bestselling author of One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create & Lightworkers 101.
She activates your God-self and Soul Blueprint so you can go to your next level of Intuition, Soul Mission, Writing, Energy & Abundance.  
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